To start the game, access My Documents folder of your computer and locate Command and Conquer: Generals folder. Open options.ini and delete everything, then paste the following data:
AntiAliasing = 1
BuildingOcclusion = yes
DrawScrollAnchor =
DynamicLOD = no
ExtraAnimations = yes
GameSpyIPAddress =
Gamma = 50
IPAddress =
IdealStaticGameLOD = High
LanguageFilter = true
MaxParticleCount = 5000
MoveScrollAnchor =
MusicVolume = 55
Resolution = 1024 768
Retaliation = yes
SFX3DVolume = 79
SFXVolume = 71
ScrollFactor = 50
SendDelay = no
ShowSoftWaterEdge = yes
ShowTrees = yes
StaticGameLOD = Custom
TextureReduction = 0
UseAlternateMouse = no
UseCloudMap = yes
UseDoubleClickAttackMove = no
UseLightMap = yes
UseShadowDecals = yes
UseShadowVolumes = yes
VoiceVolume = 100
Save the file, then right click it and marked it as being Read-only. Alternatively, right click the executable file and choose Properties. From the opened window select Compatibility. Choose Windows XP Service Pack 2 and confirm the changes. Start the game normally and you should be able to play it.