my notebook aspire 4937g..what nvidia best for my pc??

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about NVIDIA Drivers

my notebook aspire 4937g..what nvidia best for my pc??

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

It depends on what version of windows you have. The graphics chipset comes from Nvidia's latest lineup, though the midrange GeForce G105M video card is really only suitable for decoding high-definition movies and playing less resource-intensive games

This laptop is powerful enough to play Blu-ray discs, except that no Blu-ray drive option is available for this model. Though you can use an external optical peripheral, this is an inelegant solution. We hope the next iteration will at least include a Blu-ray combo drive.

Find your drivers/software on this page -- just choose the correct version of Windows.

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