Where can I download UTV 380 drivers for Windows 7?

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about TVHome Media
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Where can I download UTV 380 drivers for Windows 7?

3 Answers

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

got a solution.. just right click on setup.exe , select properties->compatibility-> and select "Run this program in compatibility mode for : windows xp (service pack 3) , then click on save and run the file.


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No avatar answered by (140 points)

TVhome media set up doesn't work in Windows 7. Can anyone help? What is the solution?

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

Since the download link from the official web page doesn't work, you can use Google search engine in order to find and download the compatible drivers. Alternatively, you can use a driver identifier from Software Informer database. Also, you can try to run the utility on your computer using Windows 7 Compatibility Mode. Right-click on the program icon and go to Properties > Compatibility tab. Check the Run this program in compatibility mode for box and select a compatible operating system from the drop-down list. Click Apply and then OK.

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