Internet Explorer is telling me that the page is unsafe.

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asked by about Internet Explorer
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When I go to a page, it appears blocked and Internet Explorer is telling me that the page is unsafe. I know that the page is safe because it's my home page. Can you help?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered by (12.7k points)

Try it with some other Browser... Might be other Browsers can access the page without any risk.

0 votes
answered by (1.6k points)

There is a possibility for that. Your site is using https (Secure) instead of http. In that case install your certificate or add an exception on your trusted sites with the IE's option. Good luck.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (132k points)

Open Internet Explorer, press the Alt key and from the Tools menu open Internet Options. Select the Security tab, click the green Trusted Sites icon, press the Sites button and type the web page's address in the provided field. Click Add, press Apply and then OK.

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