As you can see on the review page of the product, Adobe Flash Player Standalone has been developed to play all Flash format files, including ShockWave Flash (.swf) and Flash Video (.flv). You can't use it to open .exe files. In order to open these files, I suggest you just double-click them. If you have problems, try running the Fix It utility provided by Microsoft. If it doesn't help, go to Start, type regedit and open the utility using Administrator rights. Expand the HKEY-CLASSES-ROOT list, select .exe, right-click (Default) and press Modify:

After that, change Value data to exefile, click OK and browse to HKEY-CLASSES-ROOT > exefile. Again, right-click (Default), select Modify and change the Value data to "%1" %*

Next, expand the exefile and shell lists, select Open, right-click (Default) and click Modify. Change the Value data to "%1" %*
, click OK, close the Registry Editor and reboot the computer: