In order to fix this issue, you will need to uninstall and reinstall the software. Also, I suggest you run Dll-Files Fixer. It is an application specialized in eliminating .dll related system pop-up error messages. Usually, this error occurs when a Dr Watson log is created. Dr Watson is an error debugger program for Windows that I suggest you to disable it. Go to Start, type regedit and open the application. Navigate to HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > AeDebug and delete the key. If you want to restore it back, select AeDebug key and click Export Registry File on the Registry menu. Select a location and a name and click Save. After that, delete the key. To enable Dr Watson, go to Start, type cmd and open the utility using Administrator rights. Type drwtsn32 -i, press Enter and double click the .reg file previous created.