The video is OK, but the audio is not working.

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No avatar asked by (120 points)
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I installed the utility following the instructions. The video is OK, but the audio is not working. I have a Sony laptop with Windows Vista. Can you help?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

In order to fix the problems, navigate to Start, type dxdiag and open the utility. Click the Sound tab, check your audio card model and download and install the latest drivers available from the developer's web page. After that, right-click the sound icon from System tray and select Playback devices. Right-click anywhere in the opened tab, check the Show Disabled Devices option, select your playback device and click Set Default. After that, press Properties and select Use this device (Enable) from the Device Usage drop-down list. Click Apply and then OK. If it doesn't help, remove the program from your computer (Control Panel > Uninstall a program) and then install it again. Contact the developers if the problem persists. Their official email address is

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