I can use the software only on the Administrator account.

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asked by about ASUS Smart Logon
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I installed this program, but I can set SmartLogon only for Administrators account. I would like to use it for other accounts also. Can you help?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

You will need to create a new account within Windows, then SmartLogon will have the dropdown for the other usernames. You will also need to take a few photos to get the user setup and recognised too. JStar.

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

In order to fix the problems, I recommend you update the program to the latest version. After that, right-click its icon, select Properties and open the Security tab. Click the Edit button below Group or user names and use the Add button to select the accounts you want to access the software. Once you finish, press Apply and then OK. If you have problems, I recommend you contact Asus support team using +1 877-339-2787 phone number.

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