Deleting icons from Launcher

0 votes
No avatar asked by (200 points) about Software Informer

I have several items in the Launcher window that I do not need. Is there any way I can delete these items ? If I right click on an item, the "remove from list" & "end process" are greyed out & unusable

5 Answers

+11 votes
answered by (12.7k points)

Hiii.... I don't understand why you want to do that... There are not many softwares on your PC... As far as I know there's no way out to remove the programs from launcher... You have written that you do not need them... So, if thats the case why don't you uninstall them... Do uninstall them if you do need them... Just have a look into my profile and you will get many softwares that will be of great use to you... Byyeeeee...

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (4.9k points)

This feature really does not work for the moment, but it should be fixed soon.

0 votes
answered by

Look forward to that ,it 's very good!ok..

0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

I remember it used to work in a previous version. How much longer before this functionality is restored? Also, a little advice on how to remove items the hard way (ini file editing or regedit) would be much appreciated while we waif for a futre version to return this option.

–1 vote
No avatar answered by (200 points)

Look forward to that - Love the Launcher, but don't like it cluttered with stuff I rarely use e.g. Foxit Reader, Windows Search etc.

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