It does not search through Google.

–1 vote
No avatar asked by (110 points) about Google Chrome
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I like Google Chrome, but when I'm searching for something, it does not search through Google/Google Chrome. What can I do?

4 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (132k points)

Open the browser and type chrome://settings/ in the address bar. Select Google from the drop-down list below the Search section and click Make Google Chrome the default browser button. If you still have issues, update the browser to the latest version.

–1 vote
No avatar answered by (120 points)

what for any search???in adress??go to settings and thers is your default searching.

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answered by

Hi Ashraf Hussain Lone, Because you must select Google Chrome as your default search engine.

–1 vote
No avatar answered by (120 points)

first u click on customize and control button on chrome and,next select option then click basic button .here u ill get default browser

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