u torrent downloads very slowly aren't there any software like u torrents that downloads in seconds

–2 votes
asked by about µTorrent (uTorrent)

u torrent downloads very slowly aren't there any software like u torrents that downloads in seconds

1 Answer

+5 votes
answered by (12.7k points)

No there R no such softwares available in market....

Torrent works on the concept that the large files you download are split into different pieces and when you download one particular piece completely, you will be parallely uploading the downloaded part. And hence you will be downloading and uploading torrent at the same time. It is downloading but the effect is not seen due to uploading of files or your internet speed or your hyper-usage of internet. Just optimize your internet settings according to your speed for maximum efficiency. Also don't download more than one torrent at a time. Try doing these things-

  1. right click utorrent in bottom right and click "exit" and then reopen utorrent from programs.
  2. uninstall completely and then reinstall completely takes a second it is so small.
  3. restart your computer
  4. check the settings and press return to default if something looks wrong

i request doing them in that order

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