I can't delete the .log file of Avast.

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No avatar asked by (150 points) about avast! Antivirus
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It seems that anyone is aware of a major bug on Avast. Every time I run a scan, some megabytes are added on the aswAr1.log file. Currently the size of my Avast is almost 900 megabytes, nearly 1 gigabyte, which is ridiculous. Unfortunately, the file can't be deleted. I wrote to Avast but they showed not to be aware of the bug. What can I do? Do I need to uninstall the antivirus?

4 Answers

0 votes
answered by

Go to program options and search the correct options to change.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (150 points)

Thanks, but on the program itself there´s no option to get rid of that file. The only thing to do is to run scans on the "standard" level which does not add logs on that file. The problem is on the "full" scan level, which keeps bloating Avast everytime it is run. This can work as an alert to everyone who has Avast to run a "complete scan only once a month" leaving the frequent almost everyday scan on the "standard level".

0 votes
No avatar answered by (132k points)

In order to delete that file, press Alt + Ctrl + Delete key combination, open Task Manager, click the Processes tab and close all Avast instances using Close Process button. After that, you should be able to delete that file. If it doesn't work, reboot the PC, press the F8 key to enter in Safe Mode and remove the file. If the issue persists, uninstall the antivirus using Avast Uninstall Tool and then download and install its latest version from the official website.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

Earlier I was facing the same issue with my Kaspersky antivirus. But I this case I was visiting Kaspersky support team for help and they give me the best solution.

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