What is the use of WAX program?

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What is the use of WAX program?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

Wax is a 2D and 3D special effects and compositing software, focusing on providing both high speed and high quality special effects and compositing tools . Wax can work in two modes - as a standalone application which would appeal for home users/beginners, and as a "plug-in" to video editors/NLEs which would be more useful for professional editors. Currently Wax integrates as a plug-in with Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere (6.0 and above), Premiere Pro and Pure Motion EditStudio. a simple answer is : this program is for video editing plus the efx.

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No avatar answered by (132k points)

Wax is one of the best free video editors you can find for use in Windows OS. You can edit or assemble videos in a linear way (cutting and pasting fragments freely). The program was developed by Satish Kumar. You can find more about this program on Software Informer review page of the application. On this page you have also a video tutorial.

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