How can I convert MP3 to WAX?

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I'm trying to get audiobooks in mp3 format to appear in the Audiobooks section of my Zune. I found that it needs to be converted to a WAX file to do that.

1 Answer

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answered by (100k points)
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Importing audio books in MP3 and WMA format into your Zune device is not possible. You will need to use their main application, Overdrive, and manually create a WAX file which contains data (cover, path to track) about the track you are importing. The wax file should look like this:

<asx version="3.0">
<ref href="\\path\to\file\file.wma"/>

Put the path to your WMA file and place it in the same directory where the wma/mp3 is and then drag the wax file over the TransferWizard.exe application (from the Overdrive installation folder) and you will see you file synced with your Zune.

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