I can't launch the program due to an error.

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No avatar asked by (160 points) about Tango PCB
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A coworker tried to clean up the Tango folder, and now when I'm launching the program, it gives the following message:

Graphics Driver C:Tango.drv File not Found 
Tango PCB Plus aborted. Status: 1005.

What can I do?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (132k points)

If you use Windows XP or below you can go to Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. In the Currently installed programs box, click on the Tango PCB program and then click Repair. If it doesn't have the Repair option, click Remove, uninstall the software and then install it again.

If you have Windows Vista or above you need to go to Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features. Select the Tango PCB application and click on Repair. Also, if it doesn't have the Repair option, click Uninstall, remove the software and then install it again.

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answered by

I would advise you to look in the Tango root dir and find the file PCB.INI. the first line tells you the version of tango, the second line the display driver .DRV file. As this file is missing in your Tango root directorie you have to find files ending with .DRV for examlpel VGA.DRV.(mostly found in the DRV directory if available), place this file in the tango root directory and this error is solved. Send me an email so we can share our Tango experiences.

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