Do you know how I can place an image on one web page with arrows and make the image change each time you click the "next" arrow?

0 votes
No avatar asked by (120 points) about Adobe Dreamweaver
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2 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (3.1k points)
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0 votes
No avatar answered by (2.1k points)


<style type="text/css">

* {

div#show {
margin:0; padding:2px;
border:1px solid #909090;

div#show table input,  div#show4 table input {


<!--[if IE]>
<style type="text/css">
div#show table td, div#show4 table td {

<script src="swissarmy.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="slideshow.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


<body style="margin:0; padding:0;">

<div id="show"><script type="text/javascript">new inter_slide(slideShow)</script></div>




var preload_ctrl_images=false;

var previmg='left.png';
var stopimg='stop.png';
var playimg='play.png';
var nextimg='right.png';

var slideShow=[]; 

slideShow[0] = ["yourimage.jpg", "Image name", "", "_new", "top=250, left=300, width=500, height=300, location, resizable, scrollbars"];
slideShow[1] = ["yourimage2.jpg", "Image name 2"];
slideShow[2] = ["yourimage3.jpg", "Image name 3", ""];
slideShow[3] = ["yourimage4.jpg", "Image name 4", "", "_new"];
slideShow[4] = ["yourimage5.jpg", "Image name 5"];
slideShow[5] = ["yourimage6.jpg", "Image name 6", "", "_new"];

slideShow.no_descriptions=0; //use for no descriptions displayed
slideShow.pause=1; //use for pause onmouseover
slideShow.image_controls=1; //use images for controls
slideShow.button_highlight='#ffcccc'; //onmouseover background-color for image buttons (requires image_controls=1)
slideShow.specs='width=300, height=250' //global specifications for this show's new window(s)
slideShow.random=0; //set a random slide sequence on each page load
slideShow.manual_start=1; //start show in manual mode (stopped)
slideShow.delay=2000; //sets miliseconds delay between slides
slideShow.no_added_linebreaks=1; //use for not adding line breaks in formatting of texts and controls

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