Can I safely delete the HP Customer Participation Program?

+2 votes
No avatar asked by (140 points) about HP Customer Participation Program

I am using a HP printer. Can I safely delete the HP Customer Participation Program, 7.0? It takes a lot of memory and I don't know what it does.

Thanks for any advice.


4 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

I've been trying to uninstall it too, but I get a msg that "this file has encountered and error and needs to close...etc" hpzscr01.exe So I can't get anywhere with the uninstall. Can anyone help?

0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

To Bee.

G. Removal - Performance Issues a. Removal does not affect printing, drivers or HP Toolbox functionality. b. HP Customer Participation Program does cause memory leaks and is a unneeded (200+MB) disk hog. c. HP Customer Participation Program does make unnecessary net connections via svchost and creates hooks into update, start processes and Services. d. It is safe to delete


To Evelyn:

I. Problems with hpzscr01.exe > file or datfile locked-corrupted Make sure you change Folder Options > View to show hidden and operating system files. Also de-select 'Hide known file types'.

The uninstall string is: DriveLetterHere:HPDigital ImagingExtCapUninstallhpzscr01.exe -datfile hpqhsc01.dat

If hpzscr01.exe,[HPZscr01.EXE] hpqhsc01.dat, hpzmsi01.exe are lockedmarked hidden or read only for some reason, right click the file > scroll to Properties > deselect Read Only and Hidden on each. Click Apply then OK. Try uninstall again.

If that fails try re-installing the HP Installer Uninstaller ; ) DriveLetterHere:HPDigital Imaging{D2A3C9D5-0B56-4656-8277-7EDC65D62B6E}setuphpzscr01.exe or DriveLetterHere:Program FilesHPDigital Imaging{D2A3C9D5-0B56-4656-8277-7EDC65D62B6E}setuphpzscr01.exe


I hope the verbose information didn't drive you to tears, I also hope something above helps. I have the complete post on my site if you want to view the whole thing - let me know and I will send a link.


0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

When I started to delete this, I got the message "Removal of these programs is NOT recommended if you are going to continue to use any of the following devices with this computer: HP Photosmart and Deskjet 7.0 Software.

That sounds like I shouldn't delete it as suggested.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

I have the same problem of Wesley Musall,the same message when I want to remove this part of the program. How can I resolve this? Please it is very important cause that is waste space, I need a solution please. Thanks.

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