Intel (R) PROSet/Wireless Software information.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Intel (R) PROSet/Wireless Software
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I have problems with the software:

  1. GUI Language problem Background: OS Windows 2000 / system locale is Thai / user local is Thai. Administrator can install the IntelProset in Thai, system running with Admin account in Thai. But when I switch to normal user, all elements of the interface that were displayed correctly in Thai with admin account become "????????????" Question: Is there any way I can force software installation and GUI to be in English? What I tried: I change system locale to English, install software, then change back to Thai and reboot. This leaves all GUI in English. Any better way?

  2. The software send "old token" to authenticate with "radius" server (see configuration in the attached file) Background: There are situations to get connect with AP.

  3. Start or reboot machine to get connection - it is OK.

  4. Connect then disconnect from software, then connect again - It is OK.

  5. User carries his laptop around until he's out of AP range then comes in range - This is the problem; the software tries to send "old token value" to authenticate radius server which causes the RSA token to get locked. Question: 1. I am sure that I have applied "NO cache credentials". Is there any way I can verify this example. Where is registry/file that I can look at? Question: 2. How to force the application to ask for user + token every time when the loss connection of AP?

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)
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The software uses current locale of the user on the computer where it is installed. To make it available for all users, the software had to be installed using Run as Administrator in the first place. Once it's installed for all users, simply change the language and then close it. With the next user, run it samet way and the language will be the one you setup. Additionally, it is possible that the product doesn't support installation for all users.

As for the connection method, simply access the ProSet application and delete all the preferred networks and configuration. Configure the one you need, repeat the procedure you mentioned and it should work normally.

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