Installation of Vector CANalyzer does not work

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asked by about Vector CANalyzer
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During the process of installation, there is an error message in the step "Binding modules and executables". This message should be sent to Microsoft. After that nothing works and many other error messages appear. The laptop where the software is installed is an IBM Thinkpad. Does anybody have an idea to solve this problem? No other versions of CANalyzer are installed.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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It's possible that the application has problems because of the security permissions or compatibility. In this case, simply right click the setup package and select Properties > Compatibility. Choose a compatible version from the drop-down list, then right click it again and use Run as Administrator. Additionally, go to the official website and download a new package for this product.

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answered by

Are you sure you are not accidentally installing a hacked or modified version of CANalyzer, causing the error message to appear? Have you checked the authenticity and source of the software to ensure it is legitimate and not tampered with?", "refusal

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