HP Photosmart Premier 6.5 has stopped sending to the printer and the Help menu does not seem to be populated.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about HP Photosmart Premier
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We have been using HP Photosmart Premier 6.5, but it now refuses to communicate to our HP Deskjet 5440. When we tell it to print a selected and edited picture, the next page we see has no picture on it and nothing comes up when I click on the drop-down help menus. The other programs on our computer print normally.

I tried to find a place from which I could re-install the software online, it came with the computer and we have no disc, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Wayne.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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You can download the application from HP Support but it's restricted to some operating systems. For example, any version of Windows above XP 64-bit is not supported.

Remove the old application, download the new package and install it.

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