We can't install Adobe Photoshop CS3 on our second computer

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Adobe Photoshop
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W've deactivated Adobe Photoshop CS3 on our laptop but we cannot load it on our second computer. The message says that it cannot be installed because "CS3 conflicts with Adobe CS3". We are using MAC OSs. We have a G4 using one license and we need to load the software on our G5. What can we do?

2 Answers

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there are very less software s which work in mac ...... if you have windows xp/7 install it ...... or search for other software .......

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No avatar answered by (132k points)
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In order to fix the problems, I recommend that you completely remove the program from your PC and then run Adobe CS3Clean Script. You can download it from the official web page using the second Download link. Once you finish this action, install Adobe Photoshop CS3 on your new computer. For further information I recommend checking the official forum.

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