Where can I acquire iConcepts Music Express or how to transfer songs to an MP3 Player without this tool?

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Questions-Réponses
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Where can I acquire iConcepts Music Express or how to transfer songs to an MP3 Player without this tool?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

You can't acquire the application anymore because it has been discontinued by its developer. However, you don't need this utility to transfer music to your player. Connect the device to your computer using an USB cable and once you receive USB connected message, go to Computer and open the MP3 Player music folder which is located in the Removable Disc drive. Go to the songs directory, right click on the files and choose the Send to > Removable Disc option. Also, you can use the copy and paste feature. After the copy process is completed go to System Tray, right click on the USB icon, click the Safely Remove Hardware option and unplug the device.

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