Comparison between ScanSoft OmniPage SE 4.0 and OmniPage Professional 16.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about OmniPage
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I have installed the ScanSoft OmniPage SE 4.0 (it came with my multifunction printer). I tried, but I haven´t found enough comparison information between this one and the Nuance OmniPage Professional 16. What I really want to know is what are the differences among them and if there is an advantage changing the ScanSoft OmniPage SE 4.0 with OmniPage Professional 16. Can you help?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

There are many advantages of OmniPage Professional 16 and I suggest you acquire the new version. OmniPage Professional 16 supports multiple documents and it is compatible with the latest Microsoft Office versions. Also, it provides on a single panel three screen views (Classic, Flexible and Quick Convert) and it can perform OCR operations. It can manage legal documents and it is equipped with a new, intuitive Workflow Assistant. All these features can be somehow covered by OmniPage SE 4.0, but not entirety and not with the same speed and professionalism. What is really unique at OmniPage Professional 16 is its capability to extract data from filled forms, mark and redact the text using the Text Editor and the File-it Assistant. For further information, I suggest you contact the developer.

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