RealPlayer 11 information.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about RealPlayer
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I have RealPlayer 10. Why might I want to upgrade to version 11?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (620 points)

HELLO FRIEND first of all it is your choise that you use a updated one or the outdated one if you want my opinion then see - version 11 gold beta is the BEST one i have expierianced the change . 1) it exess to the net faster . 2) the clearity is slitely more. 3) the manupulation is easier and faster. 4) the use is very easy & simple. and more.....etc. atlast i would like to say that it is completaly your choise but i will say that 11 is the best.

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

The main advantage of RealPlayer 11 is that it allows you to download videos from Internet. Also, it allows you to send links of those downloads to your friends. RealPlayer 11 supports Flash videos, DVD, SVCD and VCD burning (120-minute) and video recording. Nowadays, the latest version of the application is RealPlayer Cloud. You can check its new features on the official web page.

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