I have source code i need to updatei am using version microsoft visual studio .NET 2003 serivce pack 1 (KB918007). When i go to open the file it will not let me becasue the code was writen with a new version. My question is how can i convert...

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asked by about Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

I have source code i need to updatei am using version microsoft visual studio .NET 2003 serivce pack 1 (KB918007). When i go to open the file it will not let me becasue the code was writen with a new version.

My question is how can i convert this code into an older version?


1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (180 points)

A direct convert will not work in most cases, because 1. usually new versions of vb have new features. downgrades are always bad and very often it requires manual porting. 2. it may work if you're copying just the code and have a working copy on another computer (in doubt, just use a dummy windows you won't activate on vmware, sun xvm etc.), just copy & paste the code - it's plain text :o) 3. you could even try to copy the forms in this way: search for text in the actual project that only appears in the form. you'll open the text editor that defines the form. Now, add a new form with a label in the older version and also search for text that only appears in the form. Just paste in the code of the form editor. ## again: keep in mind that old versions usually does NOT support all features from new versions. maybe some commands, functions etc. aren't available in the old version ## but btw. I don't understand why you want to use an old version instead a new one. Just re-update to the current version and import the old code into the current version. It worked fine for me with vb2005 --> vb2008.

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