hp wireless assistant/cannot turn on the wireless device or WLAN

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about HP Wireless Assistant


I just purchased a hp compaq presario a900 notebook pc last week from best buy. They were supposed to have it set up so that when I got home all I had to do was connect my netgear router and whala!, i would be ready to get online...(I paid the $50 extra for them to download and install everything...) the problem is that I cannot get my laptop to even LET me turn on my WLAN. When I am in the HP Wireless Assistant, It says " This device has been disabled by the wireless button. TO enable this device, press on the wireless button..." But when I do it still will NOT let me. (In properties, all 4 are chked) and when I TRY and click on "SETUP", this is what comes up: a box from Windows Internet Explorer- "Your WLAN is turned off or disabled. Foloow the instructions in HP Wireless Assistant to turn on or enable the WLAN before continueing..."

the problem with that is that when I hit the f-10 button and go into the system config, there is no "built in device "option" ???

Please help me, as I cannot connect to the internet and I am so frustrated at this point.

Thanks so much. Paula

5 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

I have the same issue with an HP-6735b. Any ideas how to fix this???

0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

hp is repairing problems on various presario models that are having wireless connection issues. Must call hp support and they will walk you through the repair process.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

I got the same problem too, but I had mine laptop for almost 4 yrs now HP Pavilion dv5000. It was working fine for all those years. Well first thing you wants to try is where a wireless button; which is usually found on front or side of the laptop or close to wireless light.

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

In case it helps, on a Presario CQ56 there isn't a hard wireless on/off button, it's the key combination 'ctrl f12', f12 being the key with the wireless symbol and indicator light - if the light's blue, wireless device is enabled; if orange, wireless device is disabled.

–1 vote
answered by

actually dats wat happened with me but i dunno how i corrected it...perhaps u r usin d wrong version of d driver mine is workin nw

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