reading wrong installed version numbers

+3 votes
No avatar asked by (490 points) about Software Informer

SI sometimes reads version numbers wrong that are installed on my computer. Example: I have AusLogics Disk Defrag installed and SI reads the version number as It is actually the latest version What I would like to know is where SI reads the version information from? It couldn't be from the resource in the exe file because that is correct (sometimes the vendor forgets to update the this information when compiling the program.) So this leaves me wondering?

4 Answers

+3 votes
No avatar answered by (4.9k points)

SI takes the information from registry and exe file first and then our editor proves it.

+2 votes
No avatar answered by (180 points)

SI also has issues with leading 0's.

For example, SI does not interpret PerfectDisk 8.0.067 as equal to 8.0.67 :(

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (490 points)

Joan, Thanks for the answer, but it leaves me puzzled. Is this in a hidden part of the registry? For example, I use CCleaner. SI reports that I'm using version but I can't find that string in my registry at all. That program has been updated 3 times on this PC since that version and the current is version is This number is correctly embedded in the exe file so I am wondering where SI could be getting from? I also have other applications where SI miss-reads the version number.

Scribbly, It seem that SI may be comparing version strings and not parsing them into numbers. Another example is a trailing zero. Eg. My version of UpdateStar is 2.2.614 and SI says that there is a newer version 2.2.614.0 I think a comparison algorithm would be fairly straightforward to write to compare these as numbers.

+1 vote
answered by (400 points)

Ron, this versioning problem has been a frustration for me, too. I have noticed that it SOMETIMES helps SI recognize the correct version number if you uninstall the program first (the older version) and the do a clean install of the newer version. Having said that, this suggestion doesn't always work. For instance, Adobe Shockwave Player always reports as version 11 regarless of whether you have uninstalled/rebooted/reinstalled. Also, this doesn't always work because some programs that you purchase require the original version on your computer before they will allow the update to be installed. Therefore, sometimes you can't remove the older version before you update. In the case of CCleaner, uninstalling and reinstalling DOES work (it's a free download and you have nothing to lose by trying it) because I have tried it. I currently show version and SI is reporting it as up-to-date. Hope this helps with at least some of your version issues.

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