I can't remove bkuplogfile.txt and logfile.txt files.

+1 vote
No avatar asked by (130 points) about 3Connect
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While upgrading my Huawei modem, I got files like bkuplogfile.txt and logfile.txt. Those log files have 4000Kb and they put themselves on my desktop. This happened on my old computer and now also to a newly installed computer. Some people say that there is something wrong with the modem. Other say that I have to reinstall the program. I deleted the bkuplogfile.txt file after each usage, but when I start the program (without the modem), the bkuplogfile.txt is created again. What can I do?

3 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

Hi, I have Vista as my OS and I found the files in a different place and they appear to be 'debug' information generated by the dongle. As I write my logfile.txt has a size of 0 kb (as it is being written to whilst I use my dongle to access the internet) and the bkuplogfile.txt is 4168K and contains a list of when I last used my dongle; connections, problems, etc.

Just ignore them - I know they may be big and there may be a way of stopping the dongle producing them, but they do no harm.


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updated Huawai flash succesfully it says

remote connect etc allowed

Signal shows as good

But this sad sack of kit disconnects so often - sometimes every 5 or ten mins more rarely it works for 1 1/2 hours

35kbps is average speed... rarely it reaches 175kbps for around ten seconds

0 votes
No avatar answered by (193k points)

Unfortunately, if you delete these files, they will appear again once you start the program. They contain information about the backup and the usage of 3Connect software and you can't do anything to get rid of them. Actually, their size is around 4Mb, which is quite small. They will not take much space from your hard disk. I recommend you contact the developers for further information.

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