I cannot install Cheat Engine.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Cheat Engine
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I cannot install Cheat Engine because I only have a limited account. How can I install and run the program?

3 Answers

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No avatar answered by (260 points)

i wont question your ethics on using a cheat engine, but ill give you a word of advice, DONT install these types of programs for the simple reason that in order to use them you must give DIRECT access to other programs that have the ability to take control of your computer (namely games). by this i mean that they are fullscreen applications that must hijack your keyboard and mouse in order to work correctly. Cheat Engine may not be dubious in any way, but it is a HUGE exploit for hackers of any caliber.

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answered by

open goole chrome type cheat engine 6.2 press the install tab your cheat engine step will be install open the cheat engine step click the next choose i arrangment wait to install open the cheat engine and fun

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No avatar answered by (132k points)

Cheat Engine is a free of charge application developed by Darkbyte and you don't need any account in order to install and run the software. Navigate to the official web page, click the green Download button, save the file to your computer and install the software following the on-screen instructions. After you launch it, you can open a tutorial from the Help menu.

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