How do I use Cheat Engine 6.5?

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Cheat Engine
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How do I use Cheat Engine 6.5?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

By default, Cheat Engine will provide a simple tutorial that you can use with most of the games, apps, etc. However, if you plant to use it in an advanced mode, you will have to learn how to debug applications and ASM programming. The best way to learn how to use it is through testing and there is a forum for that where users posted various tutorials including scripts.

Use the following link to reach the tutorials page:

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Cheat Engine comes with a tutorial that explains the basics on how to use cheat engine. It explains memory scanning, debugging, coding, and how to think when writing code

If you closed the tutorial the first time, you can always reopen it using the help menu.

The first step you should always do: First click the flashing computer icon top left, and then target the process you're interested in (or connect to an android device running ceserver as root in your local network and then target the process you're interested in)

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