How can I upgrade my Software Informer program when I still getting an message on my computer saying that I have an old version listed. When I click on the message this website comes up but I don't see how to get my upgrade? I already register. ...

+1 vote
No avatar asked by (170 points) about Software Informer

How can I upgrade my Software Informer program when I still getting an message on my computer saying that I have an old version listed. When I click on the message this website comes up but I don't see how to get my upgrade? I already register. Still unable to find the upgrade. I only see Download Software Informer 0.9 version listed. Do I just download that version to get my upgrade?

4 Answers

0 votes
answered by (2.3k points)

You are apparently using the old version of SI client because the newer version has automatic updates. You should reinstall the client. To do so, press the "Download Software Informer 0.9b" blue button or go to

0 votes
No avatar answered by (170 points)

Thank-you Caramelka, It worked fine. Now I have the latest version on my computer but I still seeing on my screen my SI message to upgrade to the latest version. Why am I still having this message? I try closing it out but I get their website up again on Software Informer. I checked to see and yes I do have their latest version now.

0 votes
answered by (2.3k points)

Well, try removing SI client first and then install it again. Good luck!

0 votes
answered by (400 points)

Caramelka, I am using version 1.0 beta build 283 and I don't see any auto update option. In the past few days, I have received a couple of notifications from SI that SI was out-of-date (from the pop-up notification in the system taskbar), but I am still left to do the update myself. The only thing I can think of that you might be referring to is the Help/About Software Informer, then clicking on the "click here to download the latest version" link. By having to go through these steps, I wouldn't consider it an "automatic update", which should happen without intervention by the user.

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