What is the use of Python program?

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No avatar asked by (140 points) about Python
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What is the use of Python program?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (490 points)
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It's a scripting language that can be used to automate programs. The only time I've seen it in use is with a program called Blender, a free 3d modeling program. Programmers write Python scripts that can be run within Blender to perform all sorts of various tasks.

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

Python is a freeware and easy to use application developed by Python Software Foundation, described as a Dynamic Object-Oriented Programming language. As you can see on Software Informer review page of the product, Python helps you to write GUI-based programs, to access your databases, to integrate it with XML data, to perform network-related programming, to seamlessly integrate with Java, and much more. The latest version of the program is Python 3.4.0 and you can download and install it from the official web page where you also can find additional information. The application supports almost all existing platforms like Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.

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