How can I transfer data from an old PC to a new one? The old PC does not allow me to log into E@syfile Employer.

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asked by about e@syFile-employer
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My client has a new laptop. How can I transfer the data from the old one to the new one without having to log into E@syfile Employer? E@syfile Employer hangs and does not log in, it can sit on the login screen for hours and hours.

related to an answer for: Why can't I log in to Easyfile Employer?

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)
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Browse to the following locations and copy EasyFile.db.

-Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings{username}\Application Data\EasyFileEmployer.{hash}\Localstore\

-Windows Vista and later: C:|Users{username}\AppData\Roaming\easyFileEmployer.{hash}\Localstore\

Install the application again and copy the file back to its place and start the program.

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