I have ebooks in EPC format which I have downloaded to my tablet. I would like to be able to convert them to an ePUB file.

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I have ebooks in EPC format which I have downloaded to my tablet. I would like to be able to convert them to an ePUB file. Is there software that allows me to do this?

4 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

EPC format belongs to Jill game. I am afraid the you have confused the file formats because it is not possible to convert the file to ePUB. On the other hand you can convert the file (EPS format which I believe you're having) to ePUB using any converter available.

For this purpose you can use Calibre. Import the files into this program then use Convert e-books. Make sure to select the output file to ePUB format.

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I have epc files as well and calibre won't convert them been looking allover the place instead opened file in word saved to text then converted in calibre what a long process arrrrrr

asked Mar 21, 2014
edited Feb 9, 2015 by
Convert EPC files
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Open your files with alreader and it will read them. You can rename the book ending in. Epub and alreader will open it with one touch

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Download the android reader ALREADERX this is the only reader I know that does this... rename your epc files with an epub extension... and bingo ... good luck

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