What is "ChocoEUKor.apk"? I have some worries regarding the file.

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What is "ChocoEUKor.apk"? I have some real worries about it.

3 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

This package contains Korean fonts. If you don't use it you can uninstall it as it will not have any impact on your system's functionality.

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No avatar answered by (980 points)

it sounds like a type of spyware you might have got this file if you downloaded and file over the time that you started to see it don't worry just run a quick scan of your whole computer or just that file and you can then see if it is a virus or spyware then if it is remove that file compleatly from your computer then carry out a full whole computer san and it will have been removed

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No avatar answered by (1k points)
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People often take it as adware or spyware just because of this fancy name. But it is neither a virus not a spyware, In fact ChochoEUkor, ReseEUkor and CoolEUkor and others with similar name are some add-on modules used to run several tasks on Samsung Android phones including Screen widgets, Font style and weather report or news ticklers etc etc. These are not harmful but you can always disable them: here is the list(https://fixyourandroid.com/fix/list-of-bloatware-safe-to-remove-uninstall-without-root-samsung-android/) of some blotware you can actully remove safely withot affecting the normal fucntionality of your Android.

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