I want to update my Nokia X2-01. How can I do it?

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I want to update my Nokia X2-01. How can I do it?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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You need to download Nokia PC Suite if you want to upgrade the firmware of your phone. Charge the phone to 80 % or more then plug it to the computer using the USB cable. If there are any new updates, a window will appear asking you to update but only if Nokia PC Suite is installed. Follow the on-screen instructions and you'll have an updated phone. Please notice that your phone may already be updated to latest version and no notification window will appear.

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when i update mine, i was unable to finish it's update.... then my keypad dont work properly, i tried to connect it again but it keep restarting when connected to pc, i also forgotten my security code pls help

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