Thanks for the idea of "dataextraction" command, it is a pitty that i do not have AutoCAD and the software i use (TrueView 2015) does not allow to type commands, at least i can not enter them on lower pane.
My problem is that i need to Export data from a DWG to plain text, data of only a Layer, that layer has all the elements (Lines and Circles) setted as a route/path.
I need: Length and Radious, and of course mantain the correct secuence, each element is contiguous to the next.
I mean: After a line, at its end there is the next element (can be a line or an arc), after that, another, and another after that one, ... all to make a path.
I need that path in plain text, one element per line, two columns (Lenght,Radious) of such elements, first row = first element, next row = next element of the path.
Any idea how to?