I receive a 906 error in Google Play. What should I do?

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I receive a 906 error in Google Play. What should I do?

4 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

Please boot your phone into Recovery menu and Wipe the system (factory reset). There is a problem with the GAPPS that are installed in your phone. The process stops suddenly and the Google Play can't download apps or updates.

commented by (100 points)
How to boot phone into recovery menu and hpw to wipe the system factory reset
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go to setting then application manager then all apps. now reset or clear cache and then restart your phone.

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ASUS Transformer TF700T fix....

Settings ----> Apps Google Play Store app ----> Uninstall Updates; Yes to reset Google applications back to factory settings.

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I just tried to download it again, and it worked perfectly.

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