Easy advertisement for a web-site.

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asked by (280 points)
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Could you reccomend me an easy way to post advertisment on web pages?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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Investing in online businesses could get pretty expensive.The most easy way to advertise your products is probably Google's Adsense program. Register an account (you can use your Gmail account if you have one), set up payment method and adverts, then the program deducts money from the payment you've made and dislpays your ads on target websites.

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There is a way to earn money. Adsense is difficult to get partnership but if you get partnership adsense is the best way for advertisement. And also you can check it http://www.youradx.com you can have 4 ad place in your web site. They are google adx adverts

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