I have performed a reset of my phone and the SD card data was deleted. How to get the contents back?

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I have performed a reset of my phone and the SD card data was deleted. How to get the contents back?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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Please connect the card with a card with your PC with installed R-Studio. After you install the application, launch it from your desktop while the card is attached to the computer then start the Scan process. You can use filters or scan the entire area of the card to identify the items that are recoverable.

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No avatar answered by (1.5k points)

There's a way to unformat an SD card yourself--all it takes is a SD unformat program and a little time. Download the program uFlysoft Data Recovery for Mac which can unformat SD card data under Mac OS X. Insert your SD card into the appropriate slot on your Mac machine. Open the unformat program you recently downloaded by clicking on its icon on the desktop of your computer. Select the SD card to scan, after scanning is finished, click "Recover" from the list of function options. The program begins the process of unformatting the formatted SD card to recover any lost data on the card. Wait for the computer program to finish unformatting the card and locating data. Afterward, any lost data displays in a window in the program, and your micro SD card is unformatted.

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