Additional clarification on SmartSync features required

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Dear Stephen,

Thank you for giving a feedback on the SmartSync features! We've found a Manual for SmartSync 2011.

  1. Is this a new version of the software we are discussing, or there is newer one? Which one is Windows 7 compatible?
  2. Are multiple choice and other forms of question possible? The 2011 version Manual says nothing about quizzes, just about collaborative assignments. Do you think this is the same option?
  3. Can graphics and images (e.g. from PASCO sensors or other) be attached to a question/answer?

Thanks a lot, Natalia Krasnopolskaia.

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

SmartSync has a SP1 update available and you'll need to download it to enhance compatibility with Windows 7 because this is a supported OS. Regarding collaborative assignments, I need to say that the software provides you with poll creating which allows students to answer with yes or no. Image attachment to questions is not possible.

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