Time zone in the Avaya WinPDM.

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asked by (120 points) about Avaya WinPDM
edited by

In the software Avaya WinPDM there isn't a UTC +7 timezone for Vietnam. I need that.

Thanks and best regards, Conglk.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (264k points)

You don't need to set the timezone to that specific region instead try to set it up using a close region with +7 (no matter the zone) because sometimes there isn't specified the region you are looking instead you can use another one with the same value.

commented by (120 points)
Dear Stephen Prastman,

The Devices used NTP Server for time and date,In the Software PDM didn't region +7 if i select time zone UTC +8 then time on the devices are wrong. ( example: Now, the time is 7:00AM on the devices show 8:00AM ).Please help me!

Thanks and best regards

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