Can't install Bluestacks. Error is: "Bluestacks already installed, Bluestacks Player App downloading".
If you can't install Bluestacks, it's most likely that there are services running. Please open Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Escape / right click on taskbar > Task Manager) and locate running applications starting with **HD_***. Right click each one and kill it, then you can install Bluestacks.
It happened to me and i have the solution. All you need to is open cmd (command prompt) and type regedit, on the left-corner pane, locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE click and look for "Software" find bluestack and delete. Then Install bluestacks again That will definitely work!
Can't install Bluestacks. Error is: "error:50"
I FOLLOWED THIS " locate HKEYLOCALMACHINE click and look for "Software" find bluestack and delete." but its showing "can not delete bluestacks: error while deleting key" :( now what else can be done?
do as above and go to local c:/ and program files and program data search for blue stacks and delete them and use windows cleanup and download blue stacks again and install have fun
Juzz delete all files from c drive.then try
Open Task manager and find any process running related to bluestacks, if any kill them and try again, try by admin login.
thanks for solution......its work perfectly..............
You might be only uninstalled blue stack app you have to uninstall notification center also then it will definitely work.