Can I download the software for Instant DVD+DV from AdsTech on iMac?

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Can I download the software for Instant DVD+DV from AdsTech on iMac?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

You can't download it because the software was CD bounded meaning that it was available with the purchase of a product. From the official specifications, it seems that you can't run this application on an iMac:

Processor/OS: Intel Pentium III 800 MHz or higher or AMD Athlon/Duron CPU Windows 98 SE, Windows ME, Windows 2000, and Windows XP.

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answered by (140 points)

That’s where you are wrong, I am running it on a IMac right now, Have you ever heard of VMware Fusion....any thing I can do on windows I can use it on IMac

commented by (193k points)
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Could you please provide an official link for the software which belongs to this device?

I know you can run Windows applications in Mac OS with the help of Crossfire, Wine, VMware Fusion, Parallels Desktop, Bootcamp etc..

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