How to open ports on my router for the newly purchased Xbox 360? I have D-link but I don't know how.

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

The ports needed by the Xbox Live are:

-Port 88 (UDP) -Port 3074 (UDP and TCP) -Port 53 (UDP and TCP) -Port 80 (TCP)

In order to open these ports, please use the IP address of your router in the browser. It should be something like / / These are the common ones, but if you don't find it, just open a Command Prompt and type ipconfig /all. The IP assigned as Gateway is the IP of your router. If you need to log in, use admin/admin as username and password or simply admin as username. Go to NAT or Advanced > Port forwarding and enter each port using its configuration settings.

To get the IP of your XBOX, turn on the device, go to Settings > Network. Type the IP down on a paper then go to the configuration page on router.

For example if the Xbox IP is then the port forwarding rule should look this way for 80 port.

XBOX / 80 - 80 / / TCP

name / port range / IP / protocol

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