ATI drivers have a problem?

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I uninstalled my display driver by mistake and replaced it with a different driver just to get my desktop back. Everything works fine except I don't have a start menu any more. I have try to restore it by going into the control panel and clicking on the taskbar and start menu icon it does nothing when I click. My orginal driver was for ATI Rage 128 Pro (wme_r128_413_7192.exe). How do I fix it?

1 Answer

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answered by (15.6k points)

Even though there are multiple reasons why your Start Menu disappeared, there are various ways in which you can restore it. First of all, try hitting Crtl and Esc keys at once. If your Start menu appears, it is probably hidden and not erased. Right-click on your taskbar, select Properties and Start Menu to customize its settings. If this isn't working, download Taskbar Repair Tool Plus! from the following link!.htm It should help you restore your Start Menu.

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