How to save my pictures from BlueStacks WhatsApp to my PC?

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How to save my pictures from BlueStacks WhatsApp to my PC?

commented by (140 points)
Hey....nothing to worry just install latest version of    bluestacks(version and install ol file manager in it.....after that olfilemanager will give u a windows folder which includes pictures and other shared folders which r accessible in both windows and bluestacks...!!!
So if u want a data in ur pc which is in bluestacks just copy it to windows/pictures/....
commented by (100 points)
i installed ol file manager..but no windows folder in it..
commented by (100 points)
thank you to reply me
commented by (140 points)
@ashraf ali ..there is a windows folder in it otherwise u r not using the latest version of bluestacks
commented by (100 points)

45 Answers

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not able to delete pic of whatsapp from bluestack

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Firstly install file manager open it after installing.You will see a folder named Whatsapp,open this folder.After opening this folder you should open the media folder then choose either the whatsapp audio,video or images folder depending on what you want to get.Then hold the left mouse button you will get a copy option.Click on copy.You will then see a paste icon on the top left corner.Go back to the 1st menu and open the bstfolder,open it,then open the documents folder and paste it there.You can then go to your documents folder and put the file in either your videos,pictures or music folder.By The Gr8 1...any questions just comment am always available

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U can copy the pictures from bluestack to pc by this steps: 1:Select the required photos and copy it to the BstSharedFolder. 2:U will see the pics in the C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\UserData\SharedFolder

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no need to worry in all such complicated processes.. to upload jst drag the pic file to the bluestacks window.. and to save a received image jst open it in the bluestacks wattsapp and then press the PrntScr button.. after it jst paste the copied image file in the paint menu.. simply save it in jpg. format or any other u prefer.. :)

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No avatar answered by (180 points)

If you are using windows 7 then there is a simple step to copy your whatsap data to your pc..

  1. Go to C drive
  2. Go to users
  3. you can see the all user open it
  4. there are 2 folder you can see related BlueStack and BlueStacksetup Open BlueStack
  5. In this folder you can see Shared Folder. Create it shortcut to your Desktop
  6. then Install File Manger, Launch it at start-up window you can see bstfolder open it and there you c BstSharedFolder..
  7. Copy any data like, Whatsapp videos and paste it to BstSharedFolder. then open Shared Folder as you created shortcut on your desktop you can see you whatsapp videos there and play it into media player.. and you can access your whole BlueStack data using this step.. Try it ...
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Hi, Yes best way to go about it is ES File Explorer and copy pasting the Whatsapp images folder to bstfolder.

You can then locate them under the same on C Drive!!!!

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i use whasapp with bluestacks on my pc i am unable to downlaod any media sent to me by my friends

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thank u soo much going to settings->storage->pictures and videos, worked out well...........

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u dont need to download any soft..just drag the video and drop it into whatsapp(opened in bluestcks) thats it..!

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thanks for the solution !!! works !! ;)

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