How to save my pictures from BlueStacks WhatsApp to my PC?

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How to save my pictures from BlueStacks WhatsApp to my PC?

commented by (140 points)
Hey....nothing to worry just install latest version of    bluestacks(version and install ol file manager in it.....after that olfilemanager will give u a windows folder which includes pictures and other shared folders which r accessible in both windows and bluestacks...!!!
So if u want a data in ur pc which is in bluestacks just copy it to windows/pictures/....
commented by (100 points)
i installed ol file manager..but no windows folder in it..
commented by (100 points)
thank you to reply me
commented by (140 points)
@ashraf ali ..there is a windows folder in it otherwise u r not using the latest version of bluestacks
commented by (100 points)

45 Answers

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answered by

You may want to just search on your PC, if you have Windows 7 or 8. All the answers are correct, choose the one most convenient for you.

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answered by

that is one easy task... first you need to have the following. es file explorer or any other file manager of your choice

then install the application in bluestacks. after that you need to locate the folder called windows in your bluestacks sdcard and find another folder called BstSharedFolder. this is the folder that connects directly to windows hdd. you can find the location of the folder in C:/programdata/bluestacks/userdata/sharedfolder

now lets solve the tasks.

if you want to transfer images from bluestacks whatsapp to your pc, just move the folder in the location in your bluestacks sdcard/windows/bstsharedfolder

then they will be available in your pc directly.

and if you want to move them from your pc to your bluestacks sdcard,

copy them to the directory, C:/programdata/bluestacks/userdata/sharedfolder

then from there just open bluestacks navigate to your sdcard/windows/bstsharedfolder

then do whatever you want...

I hope this helps... regards

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answered by

download any file explorer which can zip the folder(works for folder having more than 1000 file/media/photo).simply zip the folder through file explorer.then export it(zip file) through blue stack. note: (dont export it through file explorer which you have download , it may or may not work) you can easily export zip file through bluestack.

0 votes
answered by the picture the top right see the icon of three dots, click on it and then click on share 3.choose the option " save on file manager" 4.A new tab will be opened called "media manager" where your pictures will be saved 5. click on the picture again and on the top of it click the "send to windows" From there you can save pictures to your choice of destination in your PC.

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answered by

No download necessary. (Sept 2022)

  • Click the More Apps icon at the bottom of the Home tab (last of four icons)
  • Click the Media Manager folder icon (fourth of 5 icons)
  • Click Export to Windows at bottom of list in left pane
  • Click to select file(s) to export (marked with blue check when selected)
  • Click the Export to Windows button on the top bar above the documents list
  • Select folder to save it in

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