How can I remove the administration password for Windows 8

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I've recently traveled to visit my old family, and I had a brother living here which traveled to begin his own life in a different country. He left his computer here and said that anyone could take the computer if they wanted, as in to keep, he took the laptop instead and traveled overseas. The problem I've been facing is kind of irritating, he forgot to remove the administration's password of his own account, and whenever I would want to download or install something, I need his permission of his account's password.

We've called him a couple days ago and he said that he'd forgotten his password. There are two accounts on the computer, one is called his own and the other one is Family. The Family one doesn't have a password, but his account has, and I tried restarting the computer pressing F8/F9 and all that, but different options come. I am not sure which Windows I am using, and I have been very frustrated to use the computer. Is there any way for me to remove the password of the administration? I just want to remove it to download/install programs I need to use.

14 Answers

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No avatar answered by (14.7k points)

Similar question is been asked here

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Windows Password Key Enterprise will solve your problem efficiently.Three simple ways to remove your admin password. Step 1:Download Windows Password Key Enterprise to an another accessible computer and run it. Step 2:Burn it to a blank CD/DVD/USB Flash Drive Step 3:start your locked computer with burned disk. For more details please refer to

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No avatar answered by (860 points)

Hello, you can try to use the Windows 8 command prompt to reset the admin password. Here is how to:

  1. Access Window8 Advances Startup Options and click on Troubleshoot, then Advanced options, and finally Command Prompt.
  2. Type the following command: copy c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\ and then press Enter. You should see a 1 file(s) copied confirmation.
  3. Enter: copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe. Confirm the overwrite of the utilman.exe file. by Y or Yes.
  4. Remove any flash drives or discs plug on your computer and restart your computer.
  5. When the Windows 8 login screen is available, you need to click the Ease of Access icon at the bottom-left corner of the screen. Command Prompt should now open.
  6. Execute the net user command as shown below. Replace myusername with your user name, and mynewpassword with the password you'd like to begin using: net user myusername mynewpassword
  7. Close the Command Prompt and login to your Windows 8 with the password you just set. If this way doesn't work you can use Windows Password Recovery Tool Windows 8 to unlock it.
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No avatar answered by (1.4k points)

Hello. In your case you'd better to use a tool named Windows Password Recovery Tool Ultimate to unlock the Windows 8 password. Here are detailed steps:

  1. Launch the software on the workable computer. Then insert a blank CD/DVD or USB flash drive into the workable computer, and burn an ISO image file to the device with Quick Recovery or Advanced Recovery Wizard.

  2. Pull out the created password reset disk and insert it into the locked computer, and set BIOS to boot the locked computer from the disk. If your computer is preinstalled with Windows 8 and use UEFI, you have to disable UEFI Secure Boot before the BIOS setting.

  3. Then you will see interfaces of Windows Password Recovery Tool, follow the instructions on them to reset Windows 8 password.

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