How to convert a CorelDRAW file into an Autocad file without changing the original drawing?

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When we convert a Corel file into DWG format by using the "Save as..." function the original format of the file changes (eg. lines, arc, ellipse) so, how to convert a Corel file into an Autocad file without changing the original drawings?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

Instead of the Save as menu, please choose Export and select the output file as DXF or WMF. These formats are recognized by AutoCAD and can be opened by the application. Once again, import the DXF or WMF file into AutoCAD and then save it as DWG.

As a side note, please don't try to convert the CDR file to DWG because things will look messed up and you will not be able to properly use the DWG file. The manual method should be used along some extra customization.

0 votes
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We followed your notes above, but our problem is still there.

We have exported the CDR-file first to a DXF-file, opened it in CAD and saved it as a DWG-file. Now we import lighting symbols but we can not match the scale of the symbols with the converted Corel drawing. It is as if the the scale change in conversion?

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